Heari ng Conservation 

Robert E. Foutz   PDG
(Lion Doris)

3925 Bore Auger Road
Blue Ridge, VA 24064
H: (540) 890-3037
E: [email protected]
(Bedford Breakfast)


THE EAR DRUM  * March 2016

Hearing Application

Voice of the Blue Ridge

VLHF: Virginia Lions Hearing Foundation and Research Center


The Elbyrne G. Gill Fellowship award is now available for Clubs to recognize extraordinary service by a Lion, Lioness, or a member of your community. The award is in the form of a plaque, shown below, and is available to Lions, Lions Clubs, and Districts who contribute $750.00 over a consecutive two-year period. Past International President Lion Elbyrne G. Gill of Roanoke was Virginia’s second President of Lions Clubs International. Shown below is a picture of the plaque, which will be accompanied with a one-inch lapel pin.